Full Body Guide

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Alenefit Full Body Guide
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Alenefit Full Body Guide
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Alenefit Full Body Guide

10 Week Program- focusing on building muscle with an emphasis on lower body.


  • 10 Weeks of Workouts ( hypertrophy and strength based) + Form Tips

  • 5-Day Split (can be adjusted to a 4-Day Split)

  • Exercise Library

  • Importance of and how to track progressive overload

  • Nutritional guidelines for your goals

  • Step by step how to calculate your own macros

  • Tips for tracking macros

  • Supplement recommendations

  • How to track progress

  • How I structure my workouts + rest times

  • Sample warm-ups

  • FAQs


  • Access to a gym and weight equipment

  • Hip circle/band (optional)

**Once purchased, you will receive this guide (via email) as a PDF to download **





Hellooo- I’m Alene (Aye-lean) Kennedy and welcome to my page!  I’m an ACE Certified Personal Trainer. I grew up loving sports (field hockey and track in high school), but like many people today, I was self-conscious, actively trying to lose weight in a society that tells us our body is wrong.  This started as early as 7th grade-  attempting fad diets and exercising not because I wanted to, but because I had those extra cookies (god forbid).  When I became a college student, I didn’t know how to train without sports.  I was trying to do cardio and circuits 6-7 days a week, dragging myself to the gym, and beating myself up when I didn’t go.  It was miserable and taxing.

 I started lifting weights the second semester my freshman year of college- and I quickly fell in love.  It was empowering to strive to be strong, not skinny.  To eat food that fuels my body and have exercise as something I loved, not punishment.  Lifting allowed me to give my body and mind the love I had been lacking for so long.  Our bodies are amazing- giving us homes, swimming in oceans, spending time with loved ones. I want to empower others to learn and appreciate the strength and beauty of their own body.


Let’s be happy n get fit


 Connect with me @alenefit